Culture, EDI, and AR

NorQuest Culture Designs

  • Lead Designer, Illustrator, Production Coordination

  • Project Goal: Create unique and joyful visual reminders for NorQuest’s new corporate culture values

  • Use illustrative elements and bright, cheery, colours to add a ‘human’ element to the designs to make them feel more organic and inviting

  • Project Success: NorQuest employees were excited about the new culture, and immediately started adopting these graphics into their presentations, emails, and in our online recognition platform

  • Since the launch of the new culture occurred during the height of the pandemic, NorQuest sent out several home deliveries featuring the inspirational new culture in various swag formats— including this a coil-bound stand up desk booklet, and branded face mask

NorQuest Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Anti-Racism Action Report

  • Lead Designer

  • Project Goal: Create a publication that enlivened the designs for this often heavy topic

  • Ensure illustrations reflect true diversity by incorporating differences in body shapes, limb difference, and gender fluidity

  • Water colour illustrations were used to also depict the ever-evolving and ever-changing landscape of EDI and AR work

  • Begin integrating accessible design practices to ensure accessible colour use and screen reader compatibility

  • Project Success: The visuals helped bring levity to this publication, and working with the Accessibility Team, created a marked improvement in accessible design

Wahkôhtowin, NorQuest’s Indigenization Strategy

  • Lead Designer (painting by Indigenous artist Kalum Teke Dan)

  • Project Goal: Collaborate with Indigenous leaders at NorQuest to create a design for the Indigenization Strategy

  • Project Success: Working with Indigenous leaders, together we created the centre illustration of the Tree of our Wahkôhtowin to communicate key Indigenous teachings

These small details, with a major focus on accessibility, is what will truly showcase us as a place of belonging and transformation. The work Helen and the design team are doing to understand how our brand can truly reflect and represent the diversity of our NorQuest community is a powerful way to not only transform how we communicate with our community, but drive us into a future of more accessibility and understanding of our diversity and inclusivity.” - Employee Culture Award nomination for: Start Small & Think Big


Environmental Designs


Illustration and Infographics