
Photography and Videography

  • Portrait, event, and nature photography

  • Goal: Capture engaging portraits and event photography for use in future printed and online marketing/communications materials, and for social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram)

SPH 101 Video Series

  • Lead Videographer, University of Alberta, School of Public Health

  • Project Goal: Create a series of student videos that introduce new PHD students to life at the School of Public Health.

  • Project Success: Positive client feedback and upwards of 1,200 views (a 200% to 300% increase in viewership compared to other SPH videos) was achieved through targeted communications of the videos.

Gorgeous! Great work on the photos, Helen. It all looked Splendid!

Great job with the photos! You captured the human emotion and energy and everything really well! Awesome job!

Helen is on fire with some mad photo skills!!

Great photo! I really like the journalistic style. It really stood out.

– Leadership and Teammates


Illustration and Infographics