Ad Campaigns

NorQuest Open House Campaign materials. This image showcases the static billboard and the printed poster

NorQuest Open House

  • Lead Designer, Art Director for Photography

  • Project Goal: Create excitement about NorQuest’s annual Open House by featuring two current students, joyously posing in front of NorQuest’s newest campus building

  • Campaign materials included: billboards, LRT digital posters, LRT TV screens, LRT matrix, Tim’s TV video ads, digital billboards, and various newspaper and magazine ads.

  • Project Success: It was another landmark year for Open House, and the warm and engaging photography created inviting designs

We had a 81% increase in attendance! You just keep getting better and better!! I really appreciate everything you all do to make the College look so good. The place looked phenomenal. – Leadership, Marketing & Communications

Fall Campaign

  • Lead Designer

  • Project Goal: Showcase the new tagline “See yourself here”, and create engaging and welcoming designs

  • Project Success: The designs stood out in the crowded post-secondary market, elevating NorQuest’s brand reputation

Business Program Ad Campaign

  • Lead Designer, Art Director for Photography, Video ad creator

  • Project Goal: Create an engaging ad campaign to elevate NorQuest’s reputation for business education

  • Project Success: Increased enrolment in the Business program after running this ad campaign, and elevated the voice of an inspirational Indigenous business woman

This team has continued its efforts to push the creative envelope, elevate the NorQuest brand, and bring the learner voice to the forefront. Whether it’s in the projects we manage, events we plan, designs we create, our team is always ready to support the impact of our learners, faculty, and community. – Employee Culture Award recipient for: We is Greater Than They




Event Branding